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With the main goal of creating consumer savvy young people equipped for adult life in today's complex, global marketplace, participants are tasked with five topic areas of competition: consumer rights and responsibilities, the environment, health and safety, personal finance, and technology. Educational resources include lessons, team activities, presentations, videos, content vocabulary, question-of-the-day calendars, and much more. Competition includes online and live competitions.

2019 National Competitors

A huge congratulations to our 2019  Life Smarts team who punched a ticket to the

National Life Smarts Competition last year!

Left to Right: Ryan Campbell, Adam Miller, Whitney Coffield, Emily Wright, and Alexa Johnson

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2020 National Competitors

For the second consecutive year, JMHS will be competing at the National LifeSmarts Competition! This years team (left to right): Zachary Bishop, Shelby Moore, Miranda Taylor, Whitney Coffield, and Adam Miller.

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